
There are 13 species of otter found all around the world; some spend all their time in the water while others are land and water based animals. Because the otter is at the peak of the food chain it is an ambassador species to a first class environment. By donating a percentage of profit from some of our Otter products we help to support the ‘International Otter Survival Fund’ which was set up to protect and help the 13 species of otter worldwide through a combination of compassion and science. They support projects to protect otters, which will ensure that there is a healthy environment for all species, including our own.

Here is one of our British otters; nature at its finest. The IOSF aims to work with local communities throughout the world to educate, inform and encourage the protection and conservation of otters. They want to protect otters so that future generations can enjoy one of our island’s most charming, elusive and enjoyable mammals

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